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Showing posts from May, 2020


  Coronavirus means Covid-19: Coronavirus is a disease, It was spread from China to other countrys. It first case found in China in 'Wuhan' city from a fish market by one of the animals. Now it was spreading through humans. now it was spread to worldwide in all of the countrys, so fastly. Coronavirus get its name by International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.   Because of this disease, the Governments  of countrys decide to lockdown the countrys, from March month all of countrys get lockdown.  WHO doing research on this virus for getting antibiotic on this virus.  Symtonm of this virus is "Caugh, Promblem in taking berth, and fiver. Government also decide to where mass in local areas, and keep social distance from people, or don't get out from home when there is not an important work. And wash your hand daily with soup for 20 min.                   "Stay Home Stay Safe". 


     TIKTOK: Tiktok is a chinese video-sharing platform. First Tiktok name was musically after some time it was renamed as Tiktok Because musically was always known for lipsyncing, and they wanted a fresh new name that would draw people to this app and represent the people to better app. Zhang Yiming led new name as Tiktok, and he is a founder of Tiktok. ByteDance developed the Tiktok. It was release on september 2016, and It was available in 40 languages. Tiktok is use for making short-videos of singing, danceing, etc. Also Tiktokers are called "Meetha" and "Chakka". Loren Gray is on to of this list has the Highest 38.9 million followers on Tiktok with around 2190.9 billion hearts.     Mitron: Mitron is a Indian video-sharing platform. Riyaz Amlani Invented the Mitron app. Mitron app is an Indian origin app launched by Indian company-shopkiller eCommerce.  Shivank Agarwal is a founder of Mitron app. Shivank Agarwal is an IIT Roorkee student,and he is a dev...

"Autobiography of a cricket ball"

                                                                                                                                                      Hello friends, I am a cricket ball today I want to tell something about me and something about my life. A cricket    ball was made by 'Kerry packer' in 1977 in Australlia.          A  cricket ball is a hard, solid ball used to play cricket. In men's cricket the ball must weigh between 5.5 and 5.75 ounces (137.5 and 143.8 g) and measure between 8 13/16 and 9 in (220 and 225 mm) in circumference. Appearance: A cricket ball is usu...

"Autobiography of a Mountain"

        Hello friends, I am a Mountain today I want to tell something about me and something about my life.I was steeper than hills. I and  my range usually has a peak, which is a pointed at top.         I have different climates than land at sea level and nearby flat land. climate is the weather over an extended time period for a specific area.         I play a important role in providing water and food supply to the millions of people in the world. I cover around 22 percent of the surface of the earth and 13 percent of the world's population live inside of me. ...I offer 60-80 percent of the world's fresh water.         I was live in Asian continent, I was formed when the earth plates come upside by attaching of continents and when the continent becoming more near, I was becoming more bigger.        Inside of me many peoples, birds, animals, trees lives and rivers flow. I can ...

"Autobiography of a tree"

    Hello friends, I am a tree today I want to tell you something about me and something about my life. Trees are the longest living organisms on the planet and one of the earth's greatest natural resources.      I keep our air supply clean, reduce noise pollution, improve water quality, help prevent erosion, provides food and building materials, create shade, and help make our landscapes look beautiful.       I was born when 2nd world war end. At that time I was small plant I live in a plant store. One day small girl buy me from that plant store. Sh e brought me at her home after some time she placed me in tree pot and gives me water. she daily gives me water and take care of me.        After some years, I grow much bigger then she and her mom take me to a big Garden for planting me in to that Garden. After planting me the girl stared crying because she left me in that garden for a long time.        In that...

"Autobiography of a Great Indian Bustard"

        Hello friends, I am a  Great Indian Bustard today I want to tell something about me and something about my life.    Which is the heaviest flying bird in India?Well, friends, it's me - The Great Indian Bustard. I feel proud to be known as the 'Great Indian' Bustard. I have more than 30 different names in various Indian Languages. In Marathi, I am known as 'Maldhok' or 'Hoom'.        I can weigh up to 18 kilos and can stand up to four feet in height - reaching up to your shoulders or even higher! I have got a long white neck; brown wings, tall yellow legs and a black cap on my head. Mu wife - Mrs Bustard is smaller and slimmer than I am and her neck is not white. But I have heard humans say that we both look impressive!         I live on grasslands and deserts along with my other friends including Chinkara, black buck and larks. I eat everything including snakes, lizards, small fruits and berries and all so...

"Autobiography of a tiger"

                                      "Autobiography of a tiger"         Hello friends, I am a tiger I want to tell something about me and something about my life. I was born in the Sundarbans eight years ago. I had one brother and one sister. My parents, especially my mother, looked after me very well. She told me that I had to be very careful for there were human beings called 'hunters' who would try to capture or kill me. I could not imagine why anyone would want to kill me, for I have not harmed anyone .       I was very careful after that. I stayed with my mother for some time; then I wandered off on my own. One day, I saw a goat near a tree. I was very hungry, and forgot all the advice that my mother had given me. I ran towards the goat, but suddenly I felt something pull my leg. I fell into a pit-a trap, I believe it is called. I was pulled out after s...

"Autobiography of a stray dog"

       Hello friends, I am a stray dog  today I want to tell you something about me and something about my life.     I am living on the streets. I have no name. People call me all sorts of names. some kind children try to become friendly with me and offer me bits of bread or other items of food. But their parents don't encourage them.        I have been living in this locality ever since I can remember. I have to fight with other dogs for food and a place to sleep. I see many tasty things to eat in shop windows, but I rarely get to eat them.       My life is one long struggle for existence. I have a rough life is one long struggle for existence. I have a rough life. Now, I hear that people think that dogs like me are a nuisance. They are making plans to get rid of us. Hence, I think it is better to take each day as it comes. [ stray- an animal that has no home.  rarely- not often. struggle for existence- a very d...

"Autobiography of Parrot"

      Hello friends, I am a parrot today I want to tell something about me and something about my life. I am red and blue in colour with a red beak. My name is Mithu. Sadly, I live in a cage. The family that has caged me are very kind and look after me very well. They keep my cage clean and give me all the things I like to eat.  They have even taught me to speak a few words. But they do not realise how suffocated I feel here. I would rather be out in the open, flying with my friends.    Arun, the boy in the house, calls his friends regularly and makes me speak. All of them are so  delighted when I do. For them I am a source of entertainment. When the family finds that I am talking too much they put a cloth over my cage.    Really, it is quite boring standing all day on this small swing. What a pity it is to waste life in these cage!I long for the free air and the blue skies. But who will let me go? [ suffocated- prevented from developing in...