Coronavirus means Covid-19: Coronavirus is a disease, It was spread from China to other countrys. It first case found in China in 'Wuhan' city from a fish market by one of the animals. Now it was spreading through humans. now it was spread to worldwide in all of the countrys, so fastly. Coronavirus get its name by International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Because of this disease, the Governments of countrys decide to lockdown the countrys, from March month all of countrys get lockdown. WHO doing research on this virus for getting antibiotic on this virus. Symtonm of this virus is "Caugh, Promblem in taking berth, and fiver. Government also decide to where mass in local areas, and keep social distance from people, or don't get out from home when there is not an important work. And wash your hand daily with soup for 20 min. "Stay Home Stay Safe".